Enfermedad de favre racouchot pdf

This paper describe a typical case of favre racouchot syndrome in a 70yearold farmer. The comedones are widened openings for hair follicles and sebaceous glands filled with material. Maria belen mariucci vazquez, nora poggio, vicenta neglia, eugenia rios, liliana celman, susana frigerio, alejandra abeldano, silvia pujol. The exact pathogenesis of favre racouchot syndrome remains obscure but apparently extensive exposure to sun and harsh weather is perhaps largely responsible as had been in the described case. Favreracouchot syndrome is a solar elastotic disorder consisting of multiple open comedones that occurs in skin damaged by sunlight, especially under and lateral of the eyes. Dermatosis cronica secundario a exposicion solar prolongada. Apart from temporoperiorbital skin, lateral neck, postauricular areas, earlobes, and forearms may. Heavy smoking and radiation therapy are other reported predisposing factors 2,3. Maily barbara del rioysla 1 bertha luzardoiglesias 2. Tema 31 elastosis actinica y envejecimiento cutaneo.

Tambien conocida como angiopatia retiniana juvenil, periflebitis retiniana o vasculitis retiniana primaria. The axial computed tomography demonstrated injuries ganglion basal, paraventriculares. Favreracouchot syndrome occurs in approximately 6% individuals of 50 years of age and predominantly among whites 1. Fmc formacion medica continuada en atencion primaria vol.